This group of short-form video presents 60-seconds snapshots of who we are as global citizens in 2008: gorgeous,ecstatic, grotesque, scared, hopeful, confused, and desperately concerned about the state of things. We see this compilation as various states of being in direct opposition to George Bush's most recent State of the Union Address from January 28, 2008 - an overtly optimistic and simplistic overview of here and now. To compare the two, text of George Bush's address has been used as a jumping off point for organizing the videos and providing an alternative platform for open and realistic dialogue, an alternative to the "official party line." (N. Leddy & L. Slagus)
1800 FRAMES: Take 4,The show includes 50 single-minute videos by 32 artists: Plaul Amitai, Michael amter, Benton C-Bainbridge, Daniel Berry, Reid Bingham, Chris Cassidy, Hervé Constant, Jason Cosco, Ira Eduardova, Andrew Eros, Thomas Gokey, Patty Harris, Basem Hassan, Katy Higgins, Richard Jochum, Elizabeth B. Line, Nelson Loskamp, Andrew Milmoe, Mollie Murphy, Nikusha, Orphelia, Joan Pamboukes + Peter Lester, Sarah Nicole Phillips, Abe Rao, Margaret Roleke, Sang Um Nam, Gregort Sholette, Travis LeRoy Southworth, KimSu Theiler & Andrew Nelson, Lieselot van der Heijden, Dina Weiss. |